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segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010

エコ - 論理 - Segue mais um em Japones



は私がこの事実を逃れる良い、しかし多くは陳腐この文で私はハード考えさせかもしれません。アップ私はそれが現在の考え方をまとめたものと思うので。場合でも、私は日常生活の中を持って、俺の専門分野の他の宿泊、デザインProduto.Fazerが良いデザインは実際にどのようにそれは、コンセプト設計からどの彼は、すなわち関与している全ての段階で影響を与える考えている処分まで。私は、このフレーズは客観的に要約すると信じて、クレードルのライフサイクルのproduto.Seの揺りかごの理論は努力と他の、例えばプロジェクトのための単語のビジネスを変えるには、文が良い意味で継続強い。 興味深いことに、以降のリンクは、この句の建設の全体のポイント'と'プロ'が何かの挿入には、世界、または単純に参照するため、我々は、世界で他の製品をお話ししたいとし、1つの不思議を行うかどうか彼はあなたがここに、この1つに比べて入力してもらおうとしないため、何かが本当に世界では、というか、有効な、'プロ'mundo.Porもっとすごいか、平凡なように何かを'NO'で行われるようです。簡単な質問に答えるため、挿入to contexto.Resumindoを得ないと感じる'プロ'、1は一体どこにする製品を/ projectとdetermines別who本製品/ object、himについて考える時間は強制的にis /オブジェクトのPRO製品の実際の必要性の世界。



Hoje, estava atualizando o meu corretor/tradutor de textos do firefox, e descobri um sistema de Add para ele que faz tradução de textos longos, basta vc colocar o botão no Firefox. O mais cômico, é que eu traduzi diversos tipos de texto e por incrível que pareça, o mais problemático é a tradução do português para o inglês, alguns termos saem totalmente errados... como dou de exemplo na postagem abaixo.
Fiz um teste em japonês e rolou legal. De qualquer forma é bem curioso. outra coisa interessante é o site oficial do tradutor, que permite vc colocar textos de diversas linguás e ele lê para vc, vale a pena dar um molhada.

Add FireFox:  ( Im Translator)


Ps: A tradução do texto abaixo esta péssima.


' The best business in the healthy world the best business for world. ' 
Sentence of the propaganda of the Santander (2010) 

 I do not advance to escape of this fact, however much he seems a softy of more this sentence he made me think enough. Tie because I believe that she summarizes the current thought. Still more when to mouthful for inside my daily life, of mine area of acting, the Design of Product. To do a good project really is to think about as he enrages impactar in all the stages to which he links this one wrapped, in other words, from his conception tie discard it. I believe that this sentence summarized, in objective way, the theory of Cradle you it Cradle, of cycle of life of the product. If we make an effort and projects exchange the words ' business ' for some other one, for example, the sentence continues with quite strong sense.
Interesting, so the great balcony of the construction of the this sentence in the connections 'in' and 'for', since one sends the insertion of something NW world, or simply, since we like speaking, one more product NW world, and other one makes thinking if it is really something cost for the world, or better, 'FOR' world. For more incredible, or banal to which it seems to do something ' NW ' it seems to be to do because of doing, since he does not take you when this one is thinking straightly where inserting, on the contrary of 'IN FAVOR', since to respond to a quite simple question you feel in the obligation of inserting the context. Summarizing, one determines only where there will be the product / project and other one for the one who is this product / object, it forcing thinking on the real necessity of the product / object FOR world.

Analysis: Hulk Giannelli